Monday, March 30, 2009

For Today...
Outside my window...The sun is shining after getting snow yesterday. And my Goat Lucy is loose again, she keeps outsmarting me.
I am thinking... I want to get much done today, the house needs attention.
I am thankful for...Good friends who will pray for me when I am in need.
From the kitchen... Angel food cake is in the plan, my first ever. My chickens are really starting to lay, so I have eggs coming out of my ears!
I am wearing... Comfortable knit dress, cozy sweater, brown snood knitted for my by an on-line friend. Oh and my husbands thick socks.
I am reading... Nothing, can't seem to find anything right now. Having to reset after being retired from homeschooling leaves me lost.
I am hoping... that I was able to help save a marriage by being a listening ear.
I am creating... Diapers for my granddaughter who is soon the make her entrance into the world
I am hearing... the Lord calling me to trust Him, and Him alone. Not to fear as He holds all things in His hands.
Around the house... Laundry, shall I hang outside? Floors, just sweep or mop too (I hate to mop!)
One of my favorite things... Watching my crazy dog play outside, he can entertain himself with anything.
A few plans for the rest of the week... May go sew for Mil, get into garden bed, finish up diapers.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you..

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The following is something I wrote to an e-mail group I am on. Someone asked about a person who had once been a leader of women, but had went astray and is now a radical feminist.
Well I am by no means an expert on this issue. I found this mag several
years ago, and was blessed! It was like a fusion of a conservative
womans issue mag and mother earth news. It was like a drink for fresh
water to my soul. It was like I finally found someone like me. Who
wanted to live a a way of obedience to the lord and living close to the
land simply.
But then something happened, she left her husband claimed he was abusive
and took up with another. She also sued some big names in the Christian
home school movement. Now in a court of law she won, but I feel only
because they do not understand Christian discipline. They agreed she
was plotted against, where I would say believers together stood up for
biblical standards.
So what happened? It is interesting that Connie asked me as I have had
some thoughts tumbling around in my brain. I think there is a dangerous
place that we can go to. It is a thin line that we think we would never
cross but some do. I have been thinking of my friend who left the faith,
another woman that yrs ago I remember being drawn to who now is a
practicing witch! I have been asking myself why I tend to be drawn to
those who end up flaking out, and trying to take heed.
Woman who are free thinkers, who enjoy being different, who want to be
themselves, ect. We can follow the Spirit of God and live a life of
freedom in Him. But it is also an opening to listen to other voices.
Women who just follow the status que are not in danger of this. They
just follow the leader and live a life of averageness.
It all seems to come down to self as all things. When we think we are
missing out on something, or don't deserve something we get in trouble.
Because we like to think and explore, we open doors to the enemy. Now I
am not saying we need to become blind followers of the human we chose to
hook our wagon to. But we need to beware of this tendency in our life.
And when someone is put out in front of others I think they tend to
start trusting themselves too much, because so many hold them up as
special. So they let the lie fester in them too long, and then start to
believe it.
It also seems as if the lie most tend to believe is about who and what a
woman is. They seem to reject biblical womanhood for what they feel is
freedom. I see this in (name removed), as much as someone from afar can see.
She believed the lie that she was equal to man. Well that is not the lie
we are equal but we are not the same! But for some reason they cannot
understand the difference. In a frustration with what life has brought
them they reject what the come to believe is causing the pain, biblical
submission and a traditional understanding of the scriptures. My old
friend from what I can see from observing afar, is embracing her
Womanhood. But not as we do, but as the world does. Her family now in in
the background, supporting her woman-owned business. It is lifting the
creation above the creator, embracing our womanhood but in a twisted way.
So we need to constantly check ourselves, are we following the Spirit or
are we following our own spirit. Are we living to please Him or
ourselves? Does doing ________fulfill us because we are obedient or
because we enjoy the attention we get?
Let me know what you think because these are things I am trying to
understand in myself.
years ago, and was blessed! It was like a fusion of a conservative
womans issue mag and mother earth news. It was like a drink for fresh
water to my soul. It was like I finally found someone like me. Who
wanted to live a a way of obedience to the lord and living close to the
land simply.
But then something happened, she left her husband claimed he was abusive
and took up with another. She also sued some big names in the Christian
home school movement. Now in a court of law she won, but I feel only
because they do not understand Christian discipline. They agreed she
was plotted against, where I would say believers together stood up for
biblical standards.
So what happened? It is interesting that Connie asked me as I have had
some thoughts tumbling around in my brain. I think there is a dangerous
place that we can go to. It is a thin line that we think we would never
cross but some do. I have been thinking of my friend who left the faith,
another woman that yrs ago I remember being drawn to who now is a
practicing witch! I have been asking myself why I tend to be drawn to
those who end up flaking out, and trying to take heed.
Woman who are free thinkers, who enjoy being different, who want to be
themselves, ect. We can follow the Spirit of God and live a life of
freedom in Him. But it is also an opening to listen to other voices.
Women who just follow the status que are not in danger of this. They
just follow the leader and live a life of averageness.
It all seems to come down to self as all things. When we think we are
missing out on something, or don't deserve something we get in trouble.
Because we like to think and explore, we open doors to the enemy. Now I
am not saying we need to become blind followers of the human we chose to
hook our wagon to. But we need to beware of this tendency in our life.
And when someone is put out in front of others I think they tend to
start trusting themselves too much, because so many hold them up as
special. So they let the lie fester in them too long, and then start to
believe it.
It also seems as if the lie most tend to believe is about who and what a
woman is. They seem to reject biblical womanhood for what they feel is
freedom. I see this in (name removed), as much as someone from afar can see.
She believed the lie that she was equal to man. Well that is not the lie
we are equal but we are not the same! But for some reason they cannot
understand the difference. In a frustration with what life has brought
them they reject what the come to believe is causing the pain, biblical
submission and a traditional understanding of the scriptures. My old
friend from what I can see from observing afar, is embracing her
Womanhood. But not as we do, but as the world does. Her family now in in
the background, supporting her woman-owned business. It is lifting the
creation above the creator, embracing our womanhood but in a twisted way.
So we need to constantly check ourselves, are we following the Spirit or
are we following our own spirit. Are we living to please Him or
ourselves? Does doing ________fulfill us because we are obedient or
because we enjoy the attention we get?
Let me know what you think because these are things I am trying to
understand in myself.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Politics Prayer or both?
Well this is something I have been struggling with in my heart the last few days. I admit it, I am a political junkie. I find it interesting and listen to talk radio much of my day.
But then I am also feeling the call to be still and know that He is God.
So how do we approach this as believers? Do we get involved, go to rallies, work to make our voices heard? Or do we just live our lives out before men? Much of what our nation is facing is caused by sin, maybe all. We have greed and lust of the flesh running wild. Can our efforts in the political arena ever change that? What is really needed is for men's hearts to be changed, for them to bow before the law maker of the universe. But does this fact mean we sit back and allow ungodly men to continue to ruin our nation?
This is one of the things I read that has me in this place.
I have no answers now, I am pondering these things and asking the Lord for wisdom.
But then I am also feeling the call to be still and know that He is God.
So how do we approach this as believers? Do we get involved, go to rallies, work to make our voices heard? Or do we just live our lives out before men? Much of what our nation is facing is caused by sin, maybe all. We have greed and lust of the flesh running wild. Can our efforts in the political arena ever change that? What is really needed is for men's hearts to be changed, for them to bow before the law maker of the universe. But does this fact mean we sit back and allow ungodly men to continue to ruin our nation?
This is one of the things I read that has me in this place.
I have no answers now, I am pondering these things and asking the Lord for wisdom.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Making 100% whole wheat bread

I learned this from a magiazine many years ago. I think it was back woods home. Anyway it is more about the process than the recipe. You can use any recipe you like. Just follow these steps.
This is the one I use.
1 1/3 cup butter milk
4 T. honey
1 t yeast
Mix these together with enough flour to make it resemble a thick gravy. You then let this sit and absorb the liquid for a few hours, stirring occasionally.
The you add
2 T butter
1/2 t salt
and as much flour as you can comfortably stir in.
ends up being about 4 cups total
This then sits for a couple hours, after which you knead with as little flour as possible. Place in pan let rise (about 30 min) and bake at 350 for 35 mins.
It will not rise much in oven.
Will give you a nice soft loaf of 100% whole wheat bread.

FOR TODAY March 16th 2009
Outside My Window...the sun is finally shining
I am thinking...about the offer to help with the children at church
I am thankful for...many things
From the needing to be very creative
I am knit dress, teal scarf.
I am creating...bread
I am hang clothes out today!
I am reading...Faith for all Life magazine
I am get working on my garden bed
I am hearing...God tell me to focus
Around the house...many things need to be done
One of my favorite things...are my animals
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:to catch up on laundry, make it to the gym, feed family well on limited supplies.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Where does our help come from.
I admit it I am a political junkie. I can listen to talk radio all day. I like to know whats going on and feel like I can do something. But I have been feeling something else lately, a call to be quiet and seek the Lord. Today as I took a break from my housework I settled down to read for a magazine I always enjoy. I read an article that spoke to me in this time. Here is the link.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
bargain shopping
One of the things I do as a homemaker is try to make my husbands money stretch as far as possible. He is allowing me to stay home even though my children are all grown. I am going to work for the census soon, but that is temporary and I am doing it to get us caught up so I can go back home without being in debt.
So yesterday I did well. I went to the dollar store to get a couple needed items, ketchup and coffee. $4.65. Then I noticed a rack of clothes for 90% off. Got two baby outfits for the upcoming granddaughter $1.92
Took my son to work and went to 2 Walgreens- got 3 fructis conditioners (out of shampoo) 6 coffee-mate creamers (my addiction) Total $3.52
Target- I refilled my husband script for $4 and got a $10 gift card! So I used that for a few groceries we needed. Paid $1.77 after gift card.
Then went to Rite Aid, Filled second script for $5.55 and got a $25 gift card. Quick stop at grocery store to get some potatoes and an onion for supper tonight.
Total spent $20.90 oop and I have a the gift card left.
With a little planning and such we can take care of our family with out breaking the bank.
So yesterday I did well. I went to the dollar store to get a couple needed items, ketchup and coffee. $4.65. Then I noticed a rack of clothes for 90% off. Got two baby outfits for the upcoming granddaughter $1.92
Took my son to work and went to 2 Walgreens- got 3 fructis conditioners (out of shampoo) 6 coffee-mate creamers (my addiction) Total $3.52
Target- I refilled my husband script for $4 and got a $10 gift card! So I used that for a few groceries we needed. Paid $1.77 after gift card.
Then went to Rite Aid, Filled second script for $5.55 and got a $25 gift card. Quick stop at grocery store to get some potatoes and an onion for supper tonight.
Total spent $20.90 oop and I have a the gift card left.
With a little planning and such we can take care of our family with out breaking the bank.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Budget Cooking
Things have been tight around here lately. I have not been able to spend much on groceries. Instead of being able to do so this week I am having to get by on even less.
But it is spurring me on to see what I can do with what I have. Here is part of the plan knocking around in my head.
Today I baked two loaves of bread, two white and one 100% whole wheat. I chopped up some pork leftovers- with this I am going to make chimichongas (sp?) I also have beans soaking for baked beans.
I bought a ham yesterday on the way home from church. It was on sale for $1.19 a lb. I paid just under $14. I am baking it today and serving with baked potatoes, a veg and homemade bread.
Now out of the rest of the ham we will have scalloped potatoes and ham, split pea soup. And if there is enough left, either ham and broccoli wedges or a ham cauliflower casserole.
I have a ton of jello from coupon shopping and am planning a jello salad with some and the sour cream given to us by a friend going out of town. This same friend also gave some ricotta which I am going to try to make something out of.
I have some frozen chicken tenders and wild boar roast (any ideas for that?)
Even when things are tight we as homemakers can find a way to feed our families well.
But it is spurring me on to see what I can do with what I have. Here is part of the plan knocking around in my head.
Today I baked two loaves of bread, two white and one 100% whole wheat. I chopped up some pork leftovers- with this I am going to make chimichongas (sp?) I also have beans soaking for baked beans.
I bought a ham yesterday on the way home from church. It was on sale for $1.19 a lb. I paid just under $14. I am baking it today and serving with baked potatoes, a veg and homemade bread.
Now out of the rest of the ham we will have scalloped potatoes and ham, split pea soup. And if there is enough left, either ham and broccoli wedges or a ham cauliflower casserole.
I have a ton of jello from coupon shopping and am planning a jello salad with some and the sour cream given to us by a friend going out of town. This same friend also gave some ricotta which I am going to try to make something out of.
I have some frozen chicken tenders and wild boar roast (any ideas for that?)
Even when things are tight we as homemakers can find a way to feed our families well.
Written by Julie Roys the executive producer of the Moody morning show. Interesting commentary, enjoy:
Progressive Christians?
By Julie Roys
Recently, an Episcopal diocese in Michigan ordained a Zen Buddhist to the priesthood, triggering protests from scores Christian leaders. “Buddhism is not merely a series of practices,” said James Tonkowich, president of the Institute on Religion and Democracy. “Buddhism is an entire worldview.”
Tonkowich is right. Buddhism is a worldview and one that directly contradicts Christianity. For example, Christians believe an all-powerful personal God rules over creation; but, Buddhists believe Dharma – an impersonal principle – transcends all things. Christianity and Buddhism are incompatible. And to ordain a Buddhist to the Episcopal priesthood is patently absurd.
Most evangelicals, I think, would agree with that statement. Yet, a growing number of evangelicals are accepting an equally absurd co-existence – that is, the melding of Christianity and progressive, or liberal, politics. It’s not that one can’t be a Christian and be politically progressive. Many are. Rather, the problem is that Christianity and liberalism espouse contradictory worldviews. So, to be both, one must either not fully understand biblical Christianity; or not fully understand liberalism; or, simply embrace contradiction.
Progressives believe society is getting better: it is progressing. As one liberal think tank, the Rockridge Institute, put it, “Progressives believe the world is basically good. And, however dangerous and difficult the world may be at present, it can be made better.” In addition, the institute claims that “children are born good and parents can make them better.”
Evil is non-existent in the progressive worldview. People act badly, not because they’re sinful, but because they’re unhappy. And people are unhappy because they’re not realizing their dreams. And people aren’t realizing their dreams because they don’t have equal access to health care, education, and jobs. But, if a nation’s government would simply provide these things for all people, that nation would achieve what sounds very much like utopia.
The progressive vision sounds wonderful. And, it’s understandable Christians would buy into it because it seems consistent with the Golden Rule. However, it’s based on non-Christian assumptions. Romans 3 says there is none righteous – not even one! And Scripture clearly points to sin – not unfair circumstances – as the cause of mankind’s misery. Society is not progressing toward some utopia; rather, all of human history is moving toward a cataclysmic battle between good and evil. And, government will never achieve heaven on earth; only Jesus can do that.
Of course, the liberal Christian will object and say he simply supports liberal policies, but doesn’t embrace the worldview. But, one can’t separate liberal policies from the liberal worldview any more than one can separate Buddhist meditation and chanting from Buddhism as a whole. Buddhists meditate and chant because they believe these practices are a means to enlightenment and nirvana. Likewise, liberals expand government because they believe government is the means of rescuing a basically good society. But this is a misplaced hope. And instead of creating utopia, it likely will lead to even greater misery.
Progressive Christians?
By Julie Roys
Recently, an Episcopal diocese in Michigan ordained a Zen Buddhist to the priesthood, triggering protests from scores Christian leaders. “Buddhism is not merely a series of practices,” said James Tonkowich, president of the Institute on Religion and Democracy. “Buddhism is an entire worldview.”
Tonkowich is right. Buddhism is a worldview and one that directly contradicts Christianity. For example, Christians believe an all-powerful personal God rules over creation; but, Buddhists believe Dharma – an impersonal principle – transcends all things. Christianity and Buddhism are incompatible. And to ordain a Buddhist to the Episcopal priesthood is patently absurd.
Most evangelicals, I think, would agree with that statement. Yet, a growing number of evangelicals are accepting an equally absurd co-existence – that is, the melding of Christianity and progressive, or liberal, politics. It’s not that one can’t be a Christian and be politically progressive. Many are. Rather, the problem is that Christianity and liberalism espouse contradictory worldviews. So, to be both, one must either not fully understand biblical Christianity; or not fully understand liberalism; or, simply embrace contradiction.
Progressives believe society is getting better: it is progressing. As one liberal think tank, the Rockridge Institute, put it, “Progressives believe the world is basically good. And, however dangerous and difficult the world may be at present, it can be made better.” In addition, the institute claims that “children are born good and parents can make them better.”
Evil is non-existent in the progressive worldview. People act badly, not because they’re sinful, but because they’re unhappy. And people are unhappy because they’re not realizing their dreams. And people aren’t realizing their dreams because they don’t have equal access to health care, education, and jobs. But, if a nation’s government would simply provide these things for all people, that nation would achieve what sounds very much like utopia.
The progressive vision sounds wonderful. And, it’s understandable Christians would buy into it because it seems consistent with the Golden Rule. However, it’s based on non-Christian assumptions. Romans 3 says there is none righteous – not even one! And Scripture clearly points to sin – not unfair circumstances – as the cause of mankind’s misery. Society is not progressing toward some utopia; rather, all of human history is moving toward a cataclysmic battle between good and evil. And, government will never achieve heaven on earth; only Jesus can do that.
Of course, the liberal Christian will object and say he simply supports liberal policies, but doesn’t embrace the worldview. But, one can’t separate liberal policies from the liberal worldview any more than one can separate Buddhist meditation and chanting from Buddhism as a whole. Buddhists meditate and chant because they believe these practices are a means to enlightenment and nirvana. Likewise, liberals expand government because they believe government is the means of rescuing a basically good society. But this is a misplaced hope. And instead of creating utopia, it likely will lead to even greater misery.
I had a conversation with my sons that was about the same idea. How we approach the world and the problems in it all come down to what we believe about people. Do we believe what the bible says that we are all born with a sinful nature or are we basically good.
Friday, March 6, 2009
But godliness with contentment is great gain.
I have been thinking about how blessed I feel in my marriage at this point. I want to be careful not to disrespect my husband but also be as open as possible. He is not a believer and therefore acts accordingly. He comes from a family that is given to bondage to sin, and is following the path that has been shown to him.
Early in our marriage there was much strife. Many would say I had reason to be an nagging wife, and in the thinking of this world that would be true. But all my nagging did nothing to help the situation, I now believe it made it worst.
I have learned that I can do nothing to change my husband, He is not my problem. I am my problem and I can only change me with the Lords help. God will work on him in His time. Once I came to the point that I no longer tried to make him something I wanted him to be our marriage changed. He is a manly man who wants no woman to tell him what to do. He would never follow me no matter what. Even though he does not know the Lord, he still holds the position of leadership in the home. I had a hard time letting that go as I thought I was the "spiritual one" and knew better. I am paying a price for that now, with seeds this has sown in my sons lives.
One evening as we lay in bed he said to me in the kindest most soft spoken way "I just want you home" See despite saying I was a stay at home mom, I was anywhere but home most days. As he said the words I knew it was the Lord speaking through him. I came to realize what a prideful spirit I had about me. I always thought he was just being a control freak. But in that instant I knew what a rebellious woman I was. God can use use even an unsaved husband to speak to us if we are willing to listen. That was a turning point for me in trying to be the Godly wife He had called me to be.
Now that I have quit trying to change him, and just am content with the man I have, everything is better. Now I am not saying I don't fall back into my old fleshly ways at times. But I get back up and submit as onto the Lord.
I will say he too has accepted me. He fell in love with a wild party girl and then I came to Christ. He has accepted this and lets me walk out my convictions without any complaint. Even I as grow more separated from the world, he accepts me.
We are content with each other and with 25 yrs of marriage soon approaching, we still love each other deeply.
Early in our marriage there was much strife. Many would say I had reason to be an nagging wife, and in the thinking of this world that would be true. But all my nagging did nothing to help the situation, I now believe it made it worst.
I have learned that I can do nothing to change my husband, He is not my problem. I am my problem and I can only change me with the Lords help. God will work on him in His time. Once I came to the point that I no longer tried to make him something I wanted him to be our marriage changed. He is a manly man who wants no woman to tell him what to do. He would never follow me no matter what. Even though he does not know the Lord, he still holds the position of leadership in the home. I had a hard time letting that go as I thought I was the "spiritual one" and knew better. I am paying a price for that now, with seeds this has sown in my sons lives.
One evening as we lay in bed he said to me in the kindest most soft spoken way "I just want you home" See despite saying I was a stay at home mom, I was anywhere but home most days. As he said the words I knew it was the Lord speaking through him. I came to realize what a prideful spirit I had about me. I always thought he was just being a control freak. But in that instant I knew what a rebellious woman I was. God can use use even an unsaved husband to speak to us if we are willing to listen. That was a turning point for me in trying to be the Godly wife He had called me to be.
Now that I have quit trying to change him, and just am content with the man I have, everything is better. Now I am not saying I don't fall back into my old fleshly ways at times. But I get back up and submit as onto the Lord.
I will say he too has accepted me. He fell in love with a wild party girl and then I came to Christ. He has accepted this and lets me walk out my convictions without any complaint. Even I as grow more separated from the world, he accepts me.
We are content with each other and with 25 yrs of marriage soon approaching, we still love each other deeply.
I won! ? !
Well I just saw I won the Titus 2 block party grand prize. I am very surprised to say the least. But I also am feeling it was a gift from the Lord to encourage me.
I started this thinking I could write and be an encouragement to others. Then the thoughts came, my inadequacies, my failures, my imperfect family. I wanted to write something but was so focused on it being something perfect that I was stuck. Then I check in this morning and get the news, and feel the Lord say "Yes, I want you to do this" So I am going to try. I will be myself and let Him do what he wants.
I am excited to see what He has in mind for imperfect old me.
I started this thinking I could write and be an encouragement to others. Then the thoughts came, my inadequacies, my failures, my imperfect family. I wanted to write something but was so focused on it being something perfect that I was stuck. Then I check in this morning and get the news, and feel the Lord say "Yes, I want you to do this" So I am going to try. I will be myself and let Him do what he wants.
I am excited to see what He has in mind for imperfect old me.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Be a lightning rod
1 Corinthians 13 (Amplified Bible)
1 Corinthians 13
^1 IF I [can] speak in the tongues of men and [even] of angels, but have not love (that reasoning, intentional, spiritual devotion such as is inspired by God's love for and in us), I am only a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
^2 And if I have prophetic powers the gift of interpreting the divine will and purpose), and understand all the secret truths and mysteries and possess all knowledge, and if I have [sufficient] faith so that I can remove mountains, but have not love (God's love in me) I am nothing (a useless nobody).
^3 Even if I dole out all that I have [to the poor in providing] food, and if I surrender my body to be burned or in order that I may glory, but have not love (God's love in me), I gain nothing.
^4 Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily.
^5 It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly. Love (God's love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong].
^6 It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail.
^7 Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening].
^8 Love never fails [never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end]. As for prophecy the gift of interpreting the divine will and purpose), it will be fulfilled and pass away; as for tongues, they will be destroyed and cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away [it will lose its value and be superseded by truth].
^9 For our knowledge is fragmentary (incomplete and imperfect), and our prophecy (our teaching) is fragmentary (incomplete and imperfect).
^10 But when the complete and perfect (total) comes, the incomplete and imperfect will vanish away (become antiquated, void, and superseded).
^11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; now that I have become a man, I am done with childish ways and have put them aside.
^12 For now we are looking in a mirror that gives only a dim (blurred) reflection [of reality as in a riddle or enigma], but then [when perfection comes] we shall see in reality and face to face! Now I know in part (imperfectly), but then I shall know and understand fully and clearly, even in the same manner as I have been fully and clearly known and understood by God].
^13 And so faith, hope, love abide [faith--conviction and belief respecting man's relation to God and divine things; hope--joyful and confident expectation of eternal salvation; love--true affection for God and man, growing out of God's love for and in us], these three; but the greatest of these is love.
Now this is a tall order- but we need to strive for it. I try to remember it when dealing with my hubby. It hurts when they keep things from you, or flat out lie. But love keeps no record of wrongs. It hopes all things. We need to have Gods love for them, as imperfect as they are. It feels personal, but don't let it be that. When he is wrong, you have a choice to stand in Gods place of forgiveness or take up the evil.
I read a great article about overcoming sin. It made things so clear to me. We extinguish the fiery darts of the devil when we let the sin stop with us. Instead of it affecting us and then going out to others from us. We are to be like a lightning rod, that takes the hit and saves the building. We when sinned against are to let it stop there. Instead of lashing back, or being short with our children because someone sinned against us, we absorb it and let it die. It can be continued by us to others or we can make it die a quick death. I keep trying to keep that at the forefront of m mind- Be a lightning rod!
* the article was in a magazine called "Truth for all Life"
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
block party
I have been reading all the intros from the block party and something struck me. That so many do not have a Titus 2 woman to teach them. That has been my struggle my whole christain walk. I knew nothing of being a godly wife and mother. I learned most as I went, hince the title Stumbling Heavenward as that is how it seems to have been.
I am now an older woman, even though I hate to admit it. I so want to help others in the way I so desired myself. I am also stumbling through that but determined to try and be used by the God I serve.
I hope it is O.K. to jump in even though I am brand new at this Blog thing.
I am now an older woman, even though I hate to admit it. I so want to help others in the way I so desired myself. I am also stumbling through that but determined to try and be used by the God I serve.
I hope it is O.K. to jump in even though I am brand new at this Blog thing.
The blessings of large families
As I am reading the blogs in the Titus 2 block party I noticed something. Most of them have large families. I think it is wonderful but it also causes me pain. See I always dreamed of a large family. I grew up in a divorced home with three children, me being the oldest, therefore surrogate mommy. I thought three was boring but I had a friend who had nine in her family! I loved it there, a mom who was home and all those kids. Well that family is now mine as I married my friends older brother.
I remember reading a romance magazine when I was in my late teens (BC when I was living with my now husband and money was very tight, a cheap mag held lots of hours of reading.) Anyway 25+ years later I clearly remember one story of a woman who dreamed of a large family and ended up with a few of her own and then adopting some nieces and nephews. They lived in a big old house in the country. I remember so well how my heart ached to have that.
Well child number one was a surprise. The best of my life! Number 2 was planned and then we were going to wait a few years and have a couple more. See my husband did not have the same idea about a big family as I did. His family was large, but not as wonderful as I thought. He blamed it on too many kids. I now know that was not the reason but he did not understand. So we compromised on 4. Well instead #3 came exactly two years after #2 almost to the day. And he said enough and got a vasectomy.
Even as I sat in the DRs. office holding my newborn, I knew the pain this would bring me. I did not want this but he was adamant and I was young and overwhelmed. I just did not have the strenght to fight (in the right sense) So it was done. And I started to pray. I and my children prayed for years the the Lord would override my husbands choice and allow me to concieve.
Now I just turned 44 and I have to accept that He has choosen not to answer those prayers. I write this with an ache in my heart and tears in my eyes. To have the desire of my heart, the dreams for my life not happen is hard. I struggle with trying to understand why God created me this way to leave me empty. (I am thankful for the three I was blessed with, and know there are some who would be blessed beyond words to have 3. )I am fully alive when I am surrounded with chldren. I used to do home daycare and loved snowdays. Because I would have ALL the kids at once. A house full of 10+ children was the best.
So why did God create me like this and then leave me to be in an empty nest at a young age? I had my last child at 23, way to young! I am learning to trust Him more and believe that He has a plan for the next half of my life. But all I ever wanted was to me a mama so all the advice of work or school ect falls to empty ears.
Anyway the thing I guess I would like to encourage young woman with is if at all possible, while submitting to your husbands do not make a permanent choice to stop having children when you are young. It may seem overwhelming now but they grow quickly and you may ache to have another in your arms. Don't listen to the world and their rejection of children. Listen to the Lord and His Word.
I remember reading a romance magazine when I was in my late teens (BC when I was living with my now husband and money was very tight, a cheap mag held lots of hours of reading.) Anyway 25+ years later I clearly remember one story of a woman who dreamed of a large family and ended up with a few of her own and then adopting some nieces and nephews. They lived in a big old house in the country. I remember so well how my heart ached to have that.
Well child number one was a surprise. The best of my life! Number 2 was planned and then we were going to wait a few years and have a couple more. See my husband did not have the same idea about a big family as I did. His family was large, but not as wonderful as I thought. He blamed it on too many kids. I now know that was not the reason but he did not understand. So we compromised on 4. Well instead #3 came exactly two years after #2 almost to the day. And he said enough and got a vasectomy.
Even as I sat in the DRs. office holding my newborn, I knew the pain this would bring me. I did not want this but he was adamant and I was young and overwhelmed. I just did not have the strenght to fight (in the right sense) So it was done. And I started to pray. I and my children prayed for years the the Lord would override my husbands choice and allow me to concieve.
Now I just turned 44 and I have to accept that He has choosen not to answer those prayers. I write this with an ache in my heart and tears in my eyes. To have the desire of my heart, the dreams for my life not happen is hard. I struggle with trying to understand why God created me this way to leave me empty. (I am thankful for the three I was blessed with, and know there are some who would be blessed beyond words to have 3. )I am fully alive when I am surrounded with chldren. I used to do home daycare and loved snowdays. Because I would have ALL the kids at once. A house full of 10+ children was the best.
So why did God create me like this and then leave me to be in an empty nest at a young age? I had my last child at 23, way to young! I am learning to trust Him more and believe that He has a plan for the next half of my life. But all I ever wanted was to me a mama so all the advice of work or school ect falls to empty ears.
Anyway the thing I guess I would like to encourage young woman with is if at all possible, while submitting to your husbands do not make a permanent choice to stop having children when you are young. It may seem overwhelming now but they grow quickly and you may ache to have another in your arms. Don't listen to the world and their rejection of children. Listen to the Lord and His Word.
Monday, March 2, 2009
my first try
Well, I have so enjoyed reading others blogs, I thought I would attempt one myself. I am also feeling a need to connect to others as I seem to be in a place of not having much fellowship.
I go back and forth on whether or not this is Gods plan for me or something else. It seems as if this will never end and I grow weary in it. But then I feel Him say I am right where He wants me.
Some of this comes from the fact that I am unequally yoked. This causes aloneness in many ways, not just missing a spiritual mate. But also all those activities that you would do with a mate in the church. I love my husband dearly, more now than ever. But as I try to grow in my faith I feel more alone.
I have three grown children, two currently living at home. My oldest is married and mama to 2+ children. They live in another state and I pine for them all the time.
that's a little about me.
I go back and forth on whether or not this is Gods plan for me or something else. It seems as if this will never end and I grow weary in it. But then I feel Him say I am right where He wants me.
Some of this comes from the fact that I am unequally yoked. This causes aloneness in many ways, not just missing a spiritual mate. But also all those activities that you would do with a mate in the church. I love my husband dearly, more now than ever. But as I try to grow in my faith I feel more alone.
I have three grown children, two currently living at home. My oldest is married and mama to 2+ children. They live in another state and I pine for them all the time.
that's a little about me.
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